India attained one billion population on 11th May, 2000. 60 % of its population living in rural areas are below poverty level (BPL). One of the greatest problems for government of India is that there are too many jobless people in the country. It is impossible for the government to provide each and every body with a job. Many jobless youngsters feel frustrated, when they have no permanent income, and they become anti-social. Another problem the government of India is facing is women empowerment. Traditionally women are treated differently from their male counterpart. Even now in rural India many people think that women’s job is to become house-wife only, totally dependent on her husband. Women Empowerment is the best policy to uplift the socio-economic condition of rural India teeming with many millions of people. Knowing the best potentials of women empowerment, the government of India greatly also supports Self Help Group (SHG). Moreover, it is assumed that most of women are having saving awareness and saving mentality. Traditionally and socially they are kept aside for house work only. Now when they have got an opportunity to do the work side by side with their counterpart, each and every woman wants to do something by availing micro credit loan. It is a huge demand of the hours of rural India and it is the sole responsibilities of the citizens to help each other to uplift their day to-day lives. Keeping these responsibilities in mind, the Mission has started SHG by forming rural women group in 2010-11. During this year it reached momentum. So many women have changed their livelihood after getting our assistance. Out of many successful transformations of rural lives, two success stories may be given here.

Success Story of Mitu Basu

SHGName: Mitu Basu
Age: 37
Group Name: Kamini
Address: Mahaswarpur,
P.O. Badu, P.S. Barasat,
24 PGS (N), W.B
Husband Name: Subrata Basu

No. Children: 2 – one daughter and one son

The daughter recently married, and son is studying at Class VI at school.

Business: Tailoring and trading

Before joining to our SHG, Mitu Basu was completely house-wife, depending on her husband’s incomes only. Her husband was daily waged labour. It was too difficult for them to send their daughter to school with very low income. In 2009 she joined to our SHG and she availed 1st loan (Rs. 5000), by which she purchased a talouring Machine and it was her 1st endeavour to do some small scale business in collaboration with her husband, who used to sell whatever she did productions with her machine. Now she purchased two more machines giving jobs to others, too. And thus her productions increased day by day. Along with increased productions, their family incomes also naturally increase per month more than Rs. 7000. With their incomes they were able to give marriage ceremony to their daughter. Now they are able to send their son to school and they are running this business smoothly and they are also having plan to extend their business.

Success Story of Karabi Paul

KarbiName: Karabi Paul                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Age:   38                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Group Name: Kamini                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Address: Mahaswarpur,                                                                                                                                                                                                                        P.O. Badu, P.S. Barasat, 24 PGS (N), W.B                                                                                                                                                                                        Husband Name: Ranjit Paul                                                                                                                                                                                                                No. Children: 1 – one son                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Business: Sharee

Karabi Paul was doing Sharee business last 8 years in a small scale within her locality. When she joined to our SHG in 2009, with our encouragement she extended her business area to different schools and government offices, and she made her husband involved in her business. Previously her husband was a driver, hiring an auto rickshaw from someone. The whole day he has to drive and he has to pay half of whatever he earn on the day to the owner. Now she was able to purchase one auto by her name by availing finance and thus her husband was able to drive their own auto now. And so their family income is increasing more than Rs. 10000 per month.